08. howl crescent.

Remote islands near Spain.

(05.18 PM)

2 kilometers from the harbour.


Secret helipad from SEALs..

Raiden and Night owl have arrived at the destination. They were greeted by several people who looked like normal people.

This made Raiden a little confused.

"We have been waiting for you, Miss Lily. You and your guests are welcome to enter. Everything has been prepared."

But suddenly Raiden realized that the person was giving a signal. The movement of the man was quite fast, but he knew the meaning of it. Touch the forehead with 1 finger, and touch below the left ear with 2 fingers. Which means it shows the codec transmission signal that must be caught by it.

What's surprising is, while Raiden was trying to receive the codec transmission, someone else approached Raiden as if trying to hide Raiden from something.

Until then, Raiden finally received the codec transmission.

"As expected by Mr. Lightning bolt. You can pick up on the signal of one of Laura's comrades very quickly."

"Who's this?"

The voice sounded like a man, yet sounded quite young.

"Don't worry. I'm also a member of this team. The name's aquila. A SEAL, member of the Intel and Strategy unit. I'm the one who sent Night Owl to get you."

"I see."

"You already know this mission from Night Owl, right?"

"More or less."




At that time..

"You okay. Uhm.. Night owl? You look pale."

"It's alright, raiden. I'm just not getting enough sleep. This mission will be assisted by 6 SEALs. 1 including me. So there are 7 SEALs who will be involved in this dangerous mission. We will depart for the airport according to the advice of the SEALs. E.T.A.. 40 minutes. I've ordered my partner to send my sniper and equipment first. The rest, just waiting for our departure. The area we are going to is an area where some of it has become a nest of Fallen dryas. There needs to be preparation when we want to enter a terrorist nest. So we will be waiting at the point 2 kilometers from the harbour location. I'll send you the coordinates of the airport we're going to. If you want to make preparations beforehand. Make it quick. And carefully!"


"They prepared Night Owl's sniper and also other equipment. It's not easy to carry weapons here because the rules are getting stricter since Fallen dryas is rampant. That's why she really hates flying, because it will separate her from her sniper." Aquila complained.

Raiden understood what Aquila was complaining about. It's not easy to convince someone to do that.

Once they had entered into an unused building. Everyone around him connected their respective codec transmissions.

Raiden could see their names, but they looked like code names.

"Alright. I guess we should call you Raiden. Shall we introduce the team first. Welcome to the howl crescent team. We are moving with the permission of the SEALs. Since they have allowed us to assist Night Owl."

"Howl Crescent? Sounds like a great team and deserves my help." Raiden said while smiling.

"Thanks for your admiration, Raiden. As you can see. There are written code names representing each of them, including me. Aquila. Ghana. Tranche. Canis. Lyra. and Scylla. These are the selected SEALs, and also train together with the Night Owls. They will assist in carrying out this operation. Night Owls. Briefly brief Raiden about their capabilities and also their duties, please."

"As you know. Aquila will be in charge of monitoring, as well as informant. Lyra and Scylla are twin sisters. They are both skilled in close combat, and also in stealth mode. Ghana and Tranche will back up with weapons. They are skilled and also very responsive when it comes to fighting with rifles and other weapons. Oh yeah, Ghana is also skilled in disguise. Just like back then. Canis is skilled in scout mode, using both theory and psychology, as well as heavy weaponry. That's why he was the one who gave the hand signal to you. You're pretty good at deciphering Canis' code. I will supervise and give cover shots with my sniper. Even though it's night, my skills are still very sharp. Alright. Less more about their abilities. Now, prepare our equipment first. We will move and scatter to our positions according to the location points I sent to each of you. E.T.A. 30 Minutes. Move out!!" Said Night Owls.