14. Unexpect move.

(Where am i? Why can't I open my eyes? I can't move my hands?)


She heard the sound of footsteps. There was a heavy thud. But at the same time, she also heard the sound of a machine.

It was hard for her to tell just by the sounds she heard.


On the other hand..

The battle was so thrilling. Raiden had difficulty recognizing the voice he heard earlier.

Regardless, something unexpected felt strange and as if it was planned by someone.

"Aquila. Do you read me?"

He had waited long enough. There appears to be a communication signal interruption.

But finally..

"I can hear you, Raiden."

"Can you analyze this sound? I feel that the one who attacked me as well as the others.. feels like something is wrong."

"Roger that, send it and I'll start analyzing. E.T.A. 1 minutes."

While waiting for Aquila's analysis, Raiden checked his surroundings. Hoping that there are clues left behind.

"Raiden? Did you sense something?" asked Night Owl.

"Not something. But someone. How is there. Any unexpected interactions you can find?"

"Same. I didn't find anything I could monitor. But..."

Vaguely, Raiden heard gunshots. In addition, it was followed by other shots that seemed to collide with each other.

Instantly, Raiden detected another unknown movement.

"You better hide first. Apparently, the situation is currently out of control. There's another party attacking. From 4 o'clock."

Raiden feels an unstable frequency. And the direction is also according to what night owl said

"Night owl. Find a safe route for me to follow. Also, I think there's a C4 trail on one of the current routes."

"Copy that. 11 o'clock direction, there is C4. The safe route is at 9 o'clock. I will secure your route. After that, you will arrive at the route prepared by the twins. Ghana, Tranche, and also Canis stay alert.."


"Night owl. Do you read me!"

Suddenly there's another codec transmission.

"Lyra! What's wrong?"

"This is bad. Scylla.. someone took Scylla away! Scylla's whereabouts are gone. Even though we were always together."