16. Haunting prey.

They were all surprised by what Aquila explained.

"That's impossible! How can you be sure of that, aquila? We haven't even found the files we need."

"I feel that way too, Night Owl. But thanks to Raiden, I can analyze further."

"What do you mean?" surprisingly.

"You may not believe this, Raiden. It was while you were transmitting the voice recording. At exactly the same time, I received an unknown message saying that this was from your partner. Even though this was written via code.."

"What code is that?"

Suddenly, Aquila was surprised that Raiden was suddenly curious.

"If I'm not mistaken.. morse code. Radius level frequency 90 hz."

Hearing that, he immediately realized it. He smiled and then turned off his codec transmission. Because he felt that this mission had become a very dangerous mission.

He then continues his task of securing route c4 so he can pass and can immediately go to the route that was secured by the twins before.

Feels weird because raiden suddenly decided the codec..

"All units, 3rd tactic formation! Get ready to counterattack!."

"Yes ma'am!"

Even though she wasn't worried about the twins, night owl was actually worried about Raiden. She can see how he immediately cut off the transmission, as if he wanted to tell that something was wrong.

And what she suspected turned out to be true.

There was an unexpected attack from an unknown troop from the 3 o'clock direction.

Ghana, Canis, even Tranche started to notice some enemy attacks. But apparently, their movements were so suspicious, as if they were deceiving. Even so, they tried hard to beat them.

On the other hand, night owl also moves and helps the team after knowing the location of the enemy's attack.

Aquila also tried to help by checking the location while hacking the system he could use.

Behind it, something unexpected has happened. They don't realize that Lyra's codec transmission has disappeared for no reason.


About 15 minutes later..

Raiden got past c4 and he ran to the route point.

But in the middle of the trip, he suddenly received a gunshot attack that came from out of nowhere. Luckily Raiden was able to fend off the shot with his sword.

It's just that, something he didn't expect was.. someone threw a gas bomb.

He thought that it was just an ordinary gas bomb, but in fact... it was a gas bomb that had been equipped with anesthesia. Until it causes Raiden's consciousness to weaken.

He finally fell because he inhaled too much gas.

At that time, someone came from behind the smoke.

"I have a message from the person you are looking for. The file you are looking for has been taken by the 7 child troops. And soon, they will drag your entire team to be used as prisoners and also their experiments..."

Raiden responded to the voice. Sounds like someone wearing a mask. Moreover, there was no sign of lying that he heard.

"Take him!"

He couldn't see who it was. But vaguely, he could tell that it was a machine similar to the nano machine he had fought last time. Not only that, he heard lots of footsteps.

Until finally, he was unconscious.


Raiden's journey and also the howl crescent team was stopped due to an attack from the 7 child troop. Even though they haven't managed to find the file that Aquila wanted.

They were blown apart by a surprise attack and their transmissions were tampered with.

But Raiden felt strange with one of the 7 child troops. Especially with someone talking to him behind a smoke bomb. Unfortunately, his consciousness was lost.


Their battle will continue in the next session.

To be continued???
