Throughout Shadestone, the skies grew darker, and the wind whipped around wildly. Towering clouds shone in the distance as lightning streaked across them. A few rain droplets kissed Rose's already chilled skin as it drizzled.

"Put this over your head, little lark." Christopher placed his suit coat over Rose's head as the surrounding weather deteriorated. He noticed her delicate skin was covered with goosebumps while the wind grew stronger. His acts of kindness and love showed Rose his commitment to protecting her. She knew Chris cared deeply for her, and he would do anything to keep her safe and comfortable.

An icy rain fell from the sky above them. It stung any exposed flesh because of the high winds.

"Come on, Rose," Chris urged as he grabbed her hand to move faster before the oncoming thunderstorm soaked them both.

Under his jacket, Rose's muffled laughter could be heard.