Rose's lips overflowed with Dante's curses. He did not waste a minute. The Count spun Rose's body away from The Lord and ran as fast as her legs could take them.
Rose emerged from the edge of the woods panting for breath, still muttering to herself and swearing. Her cheeks were hot and burning a furious shade of scarlet red, making her face and ears appear flushed. Buckets of sweat dripped from her brows. Dante could internally feel Rose's body shaking.
The others in the group all stood with their eyes wide and mouths agape, staring at a furious Rose coming closer to them. Each wondered what happened between her and Christopher in the woods.
The sound of dry leaves crunching under Christopher's boots could be heard coming behind him. Dante sprinted Rose's body for Apollo and slung it into the saddle. He used her hands to grip the steed's mane and her heels to spur the horse's ribcage harshly.