The carriage wheels rolled smoothly over the cobblestones as they drove through the open front entry gates of Dragonwood. There was a sense of foreboding as Lord Alexsander, and Jackson made their way to the front door of the estate.

It was exactly three o'clock, and Carrick, the mansion's butler, was waiting, ready to greet them.

"Good afternoon, Sir's," he said, his voice loud and clear.

"Shall I take your things for you?"

The servant, with his outstretched hands, waited, ready to receive their rain slickers and umbrellas. The sky was dark and cloudy, and the wind was picking up, making it seem like rain was imminent.

After handing off their coats to the butler, they all stepped inside the foyer of the lavish mansion. When they looked up, they could see the light twinkling off the ornate crystal chandeliers above their heads. Carrick cleared his voice to capture their attention.
