Chapter XXIV

Once outside, Alex came right back to the scene just before he entered the map room. Matheus and Rowan were standing by the lookout as if they had been talking to one another while Alex was inside. As he exited, they both turned their attention toward him.

“How did it go?” Matheus asked, hardly sounding interested. Alex was about to mutter something before Matheus suddenly cut him off. “Just kidding, it’s not my business to ask,” he said with a clever grin about him.

Alex was feeling less and less in the mood to deal with any more nonsense. He was stressed out enough as it was, and now it would seem he was going to be stuck here for a long time.

“I do know, though,” Matheus continued, breaking the silence, “that we’re not permitted to let you leave these walls without Delmar’s consent. I can also see that your mind is dealing with a lot of stress and frustration right now.”

“Really?” Alex responded sarcastically. “Did you figure that out on your own?”