Part 1

Hello My Dear Readers

(Pardon me for any mistakes and enjoy reading )

A man was secretly trying to leave the house .as he was about to take a step out ,he stopped after hearing a lady voice "chootttee" .

"Ohh shit !! I am gone today ) he said and close his eyes to calm himself .

( Yess !!That man is our Arnav and that lady is Anjali )

Anjali came near to him and he turned and now he is facing her .

"Where are you going ?? " She asked .

" Woo wo dii!! I was going for a morning walk " he said

" Ohh really Mr.chote!! Have you seen the time ,what time is it now ??" She fold her arms on her chest .

" Dii i slept very late at night ..that's why i got up late .then i thought to go for morning walk .. you know na it is very good for our health..."

"Don't teach me !! And by the way ,according to me.. you are sleeping alone these days and there is no one to keep you awake all night,then why did you get up late ??" she said in a teasing tone..

He rolled his eyes and said " you have become very naughty "

"Ohh my dear chote !! Where do we get chance to tease The Great ASR ! How can I leave it ,when i get a nice chance " winks at him .

"Can I go now ?? "

" Noo !! You promised me that you will take me to the temple today "

" Dii, i am not interested "

"Can't you do that much for me " starts her emotional drama .

" Okk fine !! You and Mithu ,both of you are the same .you both know very well how to get your work done "

She pinched his cheek " yupp !! You are right ,and aww someone is missing his mithu "

" Stop teasing me and go get ready quickly "

" Okk "

Both went towards their room and came after a while and left for the temple .

During journey

"Did you talk to your mithu ??" Anjali asked

" No " said annoyingly

"Why ???"

"She is much busier than me ! Whenever i call ,she always says that she doing this ..doing that seems she has become the PM of our country and all the workload is on her " said in one go frustratedly

Anjali laughed " aww chote !! When she will come naa . you trap her with you and keep her in your room and noo one will disturb you both ..and enjoy with your mithu as much you want "


" Really di !! No disturbance in our home !!it would be the eighth wonder "

She giggled

"No matter what we do, romance or fight, someone definitely comes to disturb us , even Laxmi too" he said annoyingly.

Anjali started laughing loudly and said " ohh my dear chote!! What can we do ,It's not our fault, it's all the fault of our feet, they come on their own.."

" Like it has a sensing machine .hai na " he said

She giggled "you can say so ...chote!! I have a good idea .."

" Tell me ,you won't be silent without telling "

" You take your mithu and go to the Himalayas, there no one will disturb you both " teasing him .

" Nice idea !! Good place and cold climate ohh, we don't need any ...."

" Stopp!! Shameless man just want a chance .."

"You started first "

" Okk fine "

Both reached the temple and both of them were coming down the stairs after finishing their worship.A woman was quickly descending the stairs and collided with Anjali ,her leg slipped .before Anjali catches her , she rolled down from the stairs and Her head hit the stone and she fainted

Both Arnav and Anjali get shocked .they got down quickly and went near to her .Anjali turned her around to see her injury.

(Villan's entry)

" Sheetal " Arnav said in shocked

"Do you know her ?? How?? " anjali asked

"I will tell you later . first we have to take her to the hospital "

Someone called an ambulance and then they took Sheetal to the hospital.

When Sheetal regains consciousness after some time

"How i came here ??" She said .

"You fainted after falling down the stairs and Mr.Raizada brought you here " nurse said who was with her ,to take care of sheetal .

Nurse informed the doctor and doctor came to check sheetal

" How are you feeling now ?? Any kind of pain ??" Doctore asked to sheetal

"Yes doctor,I am having a lot of pain in my head as well as in my body." She said

"It's just Only for a few days. I have written some painkillers .Take good care of yourself and take medicines on time, then you will be completely fine in few days" doctor said .

Doctor informed Arnav and Anjali .they both came inside the room .

"How are you feeling now sheetal ??" Anjali asked .

Sheetal looks up and she is shocked to see Arnav.

" Arnav ,you here ??" She asked

" Hmm!! You collided with my sister and fell down from the stairs " he said

"You both already know each other good ..but ,how ??"

" Di !! We both were in a same class in college "

" Ohh !! So she is your college friend "

" Hmm ,Yeahh kind of "

" sheetal your phone " Anjali handovers her phone .

"where were you leaving in such a hurry ??"

"Today's morning when I was waiting for my taxi after leaving the airport. I was hungry so I just went to get something to eat for a while

Nearby shop and keep my luggage in parking locker . When I came back, I did not have my belongings, someone stole all my belongings and Someone later told me that the locker there is not safe. I went to the police station and complained and when I was coming back, I saw the temple on the way and thought .. to sit there for sometime ." She started crying badly .

" It's okk stop crying !! Everything will be alright " she said consoling her .

Then sheetal's phone rings and she picks up ..

" Hello "


" But why?? Atleast listen to me pleasee,how can you give my flat to someone else ???"


" Helloo Helloo !! "

Tha phone got disconnected and she started crying again .

" What happened sheetal ???" Anjali asked

" It was my broker's call. He gave my flat to someone else because I was late in paying in advance..I was going to pay him today. But how would I do it? All my belongings were stolen, I have nothing, no money, no cards...i am new here and don't know anybody ..

I don't know what to do and where should I go.." she said this while crying and then fainted ..

Both Arnav and Anjali got worried and Arnav called the came and check her .give her injection.

"She is in shocked and she needs good care and proper rest for few days " doctor said

" Chote what can we do now ??" Anjali asked in worried

"Di don't worry ! I arrange a good nurse for her who will stay with sheetal and take care of her "

"But chote ,where will she go after that. Can't we take her home for a few days"

" Noo dii "

" But chote she is your friend "

" She is not my friend ,she was just my classmate "

"Chote, I would have taken her to my ashram, but you know na ..the children there are very naughty they will not let her rest ,when i won't be there " .

" But dii!!"

" Chote please ,for me !! You know that is not safe at all to leave a girl alone ,even khush would have done the same thing .( Anjali calls Khushi as Khush)

"Okk fine " he agreeed only for her .

"Thank you chote !!When she will be fine. Then she will shift to the ashram. "

When she regained consciousness, they took her with them .she denied but ,agreed after persuasion of anjali.


"Hello hi bye bye !! Who is coming sasuma??" Our beautiful mami said

"Don't know !! Let's see " Nani said

The door bell rings and hp opens the door .Raizada member went to the door and stood And see there is a woman standing next to Anjali with bandage on her head.

"Come sheetal " Anjali said

They went inside and went and sat on the sofa in living area and rest of the raizada members came and sat on the sofa .

" Who is she Anjali bitiya ?? What happened with her ??" Nani asked

"She is sheetal ,Nani ..and she was our chote's classmate and she studied with him in college " Anjali said .

Anjali told them what happened in morning .

"Don't worry bitiya !! Everything will be fine ..and you stay here comfortably. When you get well, you can go wherever you want " Nani said to sheetal .

"Thank you very much to all of you I am very grateful to all of you. I don't know how many good deeds I have done that i got people like you " she joined her hands in front of everyone

" Are bitiya ! You don't have to do this " nani said

" Yess yess hello hi bye bye ,Ms .bladiful (blooodyful)" mami said .(as you guys know her Englishiya )

Everyone giggled ,trying not to laugh loudly ..

"What ?? What did you say ?? " Asked sheetal .

"Ohh Ms.bladiful"

" Ohh sheetal !she means to say beautiful, mixes both English and Hindi.Please don't mind " Anjali whispered in her ears .

Sheetal smiled awkwardly..then said "it's okk"

Anjali said to HP "

You take sheetal and show her the guest room"

And sheetal ji you go and take rest for sometime And if you need something, don't hesitate, you can tell HP or us" she said to sheetal .

She went towards the guest room .

"This is your room sheetal ji and tell me if you needed something " said hp

"Not now ,i will inform you "

She went inside and closed the door and went towards bed and sat and smiled wickedly ..

"Finally !!I have entered in your house Arnav . Now look ahead what happens next " started laughing.

"First of all, I will not leave that rainbow mami. How dare she call me bloodyful in front of everyone "

And she went to sleep. To plan, it is necessary to take rest too.

That's all guys for today .

thankyou so much

Lots of love

Stay tuned