Part 30

Hello!! My dear readers

Arnav is driving very fast and in between patting Khushi's cheeks to make her conscious and is rubbing her hands with his hands.He is very scared for Khushi's safety. Tears are not stopping from his eyes seeing his khushi in this condition. The thing that hurts him the most that she had to suffer everything for no fault of her.she had to pay for someone else's deeds.

After a while, he sees a hospital and stops the car there and quickly picks up Khushi and takes her inside. The doctors see him and come to him.

"Doctor her condition is very critical. She needs immediate treatment. She has been injected and her body is also very cold" he says in one breath.

Then The doctor sees Khushi's condition and quickly admits her in ICU and starts preparing for her treatment and asks arnav to stay outside ICU .