Sean with him s backpack on was like a soldier that just returned from war; he took Lyla's advise to wear all clothes because she said it will make them look scary and humans will be afraid of them. Although he had no black cloth, Lyla provided him one.
Lyla already laid down her guard completely since Sean taught Heth s dagger skill, she deemed him as a friend that she can at least be safe with; someone that won't still her food but still had this little vigilance incase Sean tried betraying her.
She wore a black dress that fit her petite body. The dress was so tight that it made the originally slim girl's breast and butts to shot out of cloth; with a black lip gloss and eye lashes on, Lyla looks more attractive than scary.
When Sean saw Lyla in her dress, his heart race for a while, he found Lyla more attractive than when he first saw her at the robbery.
He felt his heart race.