Dead or Alive

Dead or Alive

Torn flesh.

Two broken ribs.

Burn marks across her skin and deep bruising clots in the joints.

Madam Ang could only imagine the amount of pain Yuki was experiencing, finishing up applying the dozens of acupuncture needles to help Yuki loosen her bruised and stiff muscles as well as loosening her joints in order for her to return to combat as soon as possible. "These ribs are not injuries I can solve overnight Ms Hong. You really have to rest." Madam Ang advises.

"Can I?" Yuki muttered as Madam Ang began spreading a topical arnica ointment on Yuki's bruises, rubbing the spot gently as Yuki clenched her fists, gritting her teeth in pain.

"It's not a matter of can or cannot Ms Hong. We both know that a big fight is coming, The Revenant and his forces have been less active these past few days. Everything points towards them gearing up for one big attack. If you don't rest now, how can you possibly be ready for the upcoming fight?" Madam Ang analyzed.