
“Leo… what are you trying to do?” Molly inquired in a slightly shaky voice as Leo brought the knife closer to her, his upcoming action was making her feel scared.

Molly was about to take a step back when Leo stopped her. “It's ok. I won't do any lasting damage. I only want to show you my plan.” He said, and he sat back on his chair.

“Now give me your hand,” he asked.

Molly was still scared and confused. “What are you trying to do?” she inquired once more as she forced herself to calm down. 'He won't do anything to hurt me'. She thought.

Leo closed his eyes and calmly asked her to follow his order. Molly hesitated for a second before slowly offering him her hand.

Leo grabbed her hand and used the sharp knife to give her a five-centimeter cut.

The cut made Molly wince in pain, and she quickly drew back her hand with an unhappy expression. She was annoyed yet curious as to what her nephew had in mind.