
The sun was rising across the far-off mountain, birds chirped flying from their nest to the sozu fountain in the backyard. The sound of the creek and the bamboo hitting the rock could be heard.

A lady with dark ebony hair tied up into a bun with a sunflower scarf wrapped around her head, an apron hooked on her waist with rubber gloves and boots.

"Aera, you should come and eat your breakfast first."

A voice came from an old traditional cottage. At the door, an old lady stood on her grey hanbok.


The ebony hair whose name was Aera answered. She kneels on the ground transferring the newly grown flower to a pot from a little plastic bag.

"Aera, you sure I can leave today?" The old woman placed the breakfast on the low table as Aera walks out of the shower, ruffling her hair with a fluffy towel.

"Yes, don't worry granny. You're free now and I'm not 13 anymore."

Aera set down on the soft cushion. The table was laid with breakfast, more than she could ask for.


The old woman didn't had the strength to argue back. She only smiles. "Your parents are on vacation and your sisters are on a business trip. If only you could find a man."

"G-granny.." Aera nearly chocks on her drink. "I don't need a man. I can look after myself."

The old woman stood up from her cushion and walks her way to the kitchen. "Does Yeong-su count?"

Aera choked on her food again, face burning up with fire. "Granny...I'm eating food." She whines annoyingly.

Her granny only laughs in return. Today was the day her granny more like her nanny will be retiring from her work and will be going back to her hometown. She had been taking care of Aera when she was born and now, she was old enough to take care of herself.




Aera, 28 years old and the youngest with three older sisters. Two were married off while the last second was engaged this month and finally Aera. She was single since high school and still was.

"I don't even think that moron is ever going to look at you." Aera's older sister spoke in an annoying tone. "You should forget about him."

Aera was on her way out to get some additional supplies for her dream flower shop. The shop was about to be done and she just needed a few things.

"Sis, there is no point in talking about him."

Aera irritatedly replies through her phone as she gets in her car.

"That's what I'm saying. He is useless and I don't even think he would ever look at you. Stop being a lovesick puppy and I'll find you a new–"

*beep* beep*

Every time she had a call from her sister, it always turns to be talking about Aera getting on a blind date. However, she always refuses and she even declines many confessions.


She sighs, throwing her phone behind the passenger seat, and drives her car towards her destination, ignoring the incoming call. After getting what she required, Aera stops by a small cafe for coffee. She was hungry and her lips were carving for coffee.

Nothing was more tastier than a cup of coffee with extra cream along with some chess cakes, blueberry pie, and some pancakes.

Now that she have thought about it, she needed to go and see how her flower shop was going on. The construction was yet to be finished and might be done by next week.


Aera flinches, nearly dropping her fork. That soothing voice, how can she ever forget that when it has been stuck inside her head ever since. That only person whom she had ever wished to get attention from, even just once.










Lucien was finally awake after a short dream which felt like it lasted hours. For a few minutes, she refuses to sit up but, only stares at the ceiling. 'A dream? Or a memory?'


She finally decided to sit up. "Or should I call it my past life?" She was confused. Ever since she came here, never had she once dreamed about her past life. It felt frustrating and a burden at the same time.

"Should I call a physician for your odd behavior, my lady?"

Rosetta was already standing by the bed with a silver basin of cold water. Another maid stood back holding a towel. It was for the early morning routine.

"You don't have to start treating me like I've gone insane."

"Good morning, my lady." Rosetta bowed along with the other. "I hope you slept well."

'Sometimes, I wonder if she really cares for the master she is serving.'

"I'll rather take a bath." Lucien finally moves out of her bed stretching her arms with a yawn.

Rosetta made a gesture toward the two maids and they move out to arrange the bath. Lucien was still not used to using a single basin in which you wash your face. It is still early in the morning and there are still some few more things she needed to do to prepare herself while in the bathroom.

After a refreshing bath with the help of the maid, she sat by the balcony again, enjoying her morning tea. Its color was pink with a slight fragrance of strawberry and honey. Everything that was prepared was made in a possible way that it will be consumable even if the aroma or flavor was horrible.

"My lady, are you sure you don't need to see the physician after you fell hard on the floor yesterday?"

"Rosetta, I'm trying to have tea here," she responded with a smile as her eyebrow twitched. 'I'm trying to forget about yesterday.'

"However, my lady, you should have still responded Sir Knight who was kind enough to ask about you." Rosetta still continued with a poker face which Lucien couldn't seriously read her.

"I have a pride as a woman. I'm not that pitiful." Irritation grew on her face turning red out of embarrassment.


Rosetta thought about yesterday. Lucien refused to stand up when Rosetta tried to help her up. She even restricted Rosetta to answer Sir Ajex on behalf of her. So she simply bowed towards him.

"Does your pride count crawling into your bedchamber?"

'Ahh~ my morning tea... Does it have to be ruined in this way?'







"Blessed and prosperity to the Galatian's empire." Benjamin greets with a bow to a man sitting with a cup of tea in his hand. "I hope you slept well, Your Majesty."


'Ah, same as usual. No response.'

"Your Majesty, I bought the report you requested." Benjamin walks forward and hands him a document. With a bright blond hair and blue eyes, he was quite an attractive man who always stood beside the emperor. People view him as one of the loyal dogs of the emperor while somebody says, he is a shield and sword for him. Someone willing to lay his life for the emperor.

Efthalia, a man of few words. His features were something that couldn't be described in words. For generations, the Elias has been bestowed with good looks and power. The only family who was able to stand the Viper Empire and for this brave act of freeing the people under the rule, they were blessed. Neither one of the generations has failed to look after his people. Among all the nations, the Galatians Empire was recognized as the most powerful and prominent empire.

The new emperor was still a little young however, no one could doubt him when it was about his wisdom and proficiency. No Nobles were able to go against it not because he was Elias but for the cruelty and discomfort aura that surrounds him. During a brutal war, a few years ago, the Elias announced that no soldiers were departing but only the three sons left for the battlefield along with their loyal knights. And he was just 16 then.

"So, the Baron has finally made his move." He sips more of his tea.

"We were able to capture some of his men near the border. What shall we do now? Should I send the knights to–"

"No," Efthalia held up his hand. "Let them continue what they are doing."

"Your Majesty?" Benjamin confusingly stares.

"It's still early to make a move." Efthalia puts down his cup and flips open the paper. "Let's observe how many fishes we could get?"

"Yes, your Majesty." Benjamin bowed with a smile.

"What about the other report I gave?" Efthalia questioned, eyes still on the paper.

"Ah, about that." He understood what Efthalia was saying. "The maid told me there was a commotion in the greenhouse among the ladies." Benjamin stare at His Majesty but there was no response. He waited for the emperor to speak but received none.

"The maid said it was mostly related to Lady Lucien being rude towards Lady Renee." Efthalia's hand paused when he was about to flip the page.

"However, after what I've heard from every maid, it didn't sound like Lady Lucien was been rude rather, it felt like advice to me."


Efthalia only responded as he puts down the paper on the table.

"That will be enough," Efthalia spoke after hearing everything he needed to know what had happened. "When you are out, send the head butler in."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Benjamin didn't question though he was a little confused.








Lucien was already done with her lunch. Like yesterday, she was following the same routine of the beauty treatment and it will go on for six months.

Just as she was relaxing with a clay mask on her face, there was a knock at the front door. Rosetta excused herself and left for the door.

"My lady," Rosetta appeared with a letter that had a seal on it. "It's from His Majesty." She hands the letter to Lucien.

After reaping it open, Lucien was confused when she read it. "Rosetta," she turns towards her. "Is it proper for the emperor to have dinner with his consorts?"

Rosetta thought for a moment but couldn't answer her. "Nevermind, can you get my dress ready for tonight's dinner in the Platinum Palace?"

"Platinum Palace?" Rosetta was as well confused. The Platinum palace was mainly used for important banquets or important gatherings for announcements.

"How should I prepare your dress, my lady?"

Lucien thought for a moment, it didn't feel right for some reason. She could have ignored or made an excuse for not joining the dinner but it wasn't easy to decline when there was an Emperor seal with a handwritten letter.

"Not too fancy, be plain and less jewelry that covers up till my neck. And let the color be dull."

"Yes, my lady."







The sun has already set, it was almost time for her to get to the Platinum Palace. Rosetta escorted her with an uneasy feeling as well.

"Don't worry, it's just a dinner."

However, Rosetta didn't respond and merely move her glanced away. Lucien smiles at those childish acts.

"Open the door, Lady Lucien has arrived," Rosetta announced to the two soldiers standing near a large golden door. The two soldiers gave a confused look at Lucien, a little bit hesitant but finally opens.

There was a two-door that leads to the Platinum Palace, the front was for the guest while the back was for the emperor's family. It could also be used by those ladies and others who were staying at the Imperial Palace.

Lucien scuffs at herself when she notices what was happening and the reason she had an uneasy feeling about this so-called dinner. Rosetta was as well taken back, her hand trembles but tightly hold still.

"M-my lady?"

"Don't worry, Rosetta. I'm aware."

The dinner for the consort with the emperor was just a lie. It was a banquet invited to all the well-known Noble families along with the consorts.

Every eye was on Lady Lucien who had just stepped into the hall. Murmurs arose among them as she walks in.

"Is she Lady Lucien Valentius?"

"No wonder, she never attended social gatherings."

"A shame to her family."

"What she is wearing today is a complete disgrace to her family."

"Why did she even appear if she has no interest in gathering?"

"A disgrace as a consort to the emperor."

"She has no respect for this banquet. She could have carefully thought about what she needed to wear."

Lucien wasn't deaf when she heard all the gossip. However, it didn't bother her. She only moves forward. 'So It has started Mr. Emperor.

The treatment the villainess needs to receive.'