
Bless and prosperity to the Galatians Empire."

A man kneels on the ground with one hand across his chest while his other hand is on his back. "It's good to see His Majesty is in good health."

Efthalia sat on his throne with Benjamin standing on his right. "Your arrival was unexpected," Efthalia spoke after gesturing him to stand.

"I apologize Your Majesty." The man who knelt, stood up and met his gaze. "I was unable to send the message ahead for the situation that had occurred in the West."

The man stood up however, the attire he was wearing did not relate to any knight or soldier. His sliver hair fell till his tailbone with a matching dark silver lense. "It appears that the report you send me the recent week hasn't unraveled yet." The Emperor spoke with his fingers on his chin.

"It is Your Majesty, here." The silver hair rummages in his bag and hands out a scroll.

Benjamin walks down, took the scroll, and hands it to Efthalia.