Chapter -67

"Don't presume that I would be agreeing with your statement, you've just killed an innocent boy who is no more breathing. The physician nor the magician could heal him." The rage was still in his tone even though the pitch got lowered.

"If that's the issue, give me the boy. I, regardless of that, I want him." Lucien doesn't seem to bother with the fact of what the host was trying to say. "He is my hunt and my prize."

"I would dare not hand it over to you. He is valuable to me." The host fought back almost about to leap upon her and strangle her to death.

"Valuable? A mere worker is valuable for a noble man like you?" Lucien repeated in a confused but in a little suspicious tone. She raises her hand above as though she was grabbing her chin. "You don't mean to say you are still going to keep him beside you at night to keep your bed warm?"
