Chapter -121

After Lucien found herself comfortable, she made her way to Efthalia's office along with her brothers.

As they walked in, they were met with not only Efthalia or Benjamin but Gladys and that man who was in charge of creating cosmetic products. He was kneeling on the floor, head pressed on the cold concrete floor.

Gladys received her after she greeted His Majesty who was seated on his chair. As soon as the man who had his head pressed on the ground noticed Lucien walked in, he leaped towards her feet, trembling.

"M-my lady, forgive me for my actions towards you." He had already started begging. "I was wrong. I failed to take care of you. I-I failed to recognize who you were."

'Huh? Failed to recognize? As in failed to recognize as a Valentius or human being?'

Lucien silently stared down without a word. He only had a right hand pressed on the floor while the other hand was wrapped with a cloth. His wrist was cut off.