Chapter -133

Sebastian had been laughing for the last few minutes when Lucien had discussed about her encounter with a middle-aged man.

"Sorry....wrong words. It could have been the former emperor you had encountered, but it is impossible. He couldn't stand up from his wheelchair or his bed."

Lucien recently found a secret that the late emperor had fake death for a reason she doesn't know. If there was no one to look after this place, she wondered whom she had encountered. She felt chills, goosebumps running down her scalp to the tip of her toes.

'No, it was a person and not someone... It is a human. It is...'

Her head was spinning by now. If it turns out to be something she didn't want to think of, she was never coming back to this place again.

"Don't worry," Sebastian uttered after calming down. "Whoever it was, it was probably harmless and maybe it was hired by someone to look at."