Chapter -138

'This is so suffocating.'




It was a bright sunny day even though the temperature was gradually decreasing. And for this day, Lucien decided she would like to explore other parts of the chamber which she hasn't visited yet. After reading half of about the earth spirit, she wanted to take a break and not to forget, her dance class has been postponed for today.

"There is a new stage play today. It might be to your taste, my lady."

Rosetta spoke who was shampooing Lucien's hair as she lay in a warm bathtub.

"Is that so?"

"Yes," Lilyian happily chirps in, gently sponging her arms and legs. "I saw the actors who were going to play. They were handsome and pretty but not as pretty as my lady."

Lucien had hardly been to stage play apart from once when her sisters decided to drag her when she received a ticket as a gift. She was somehow impressed. 'I wonder what the play is about?'