Chapter -145

"Alright ladies, may I have your attention please."

A middle-aged lady claps her hand gaining the attention of the little crowd in a hall room. The lady was no other than an instructor who was teaching the consorts.

"I am sure this is nothing new since you already had a class before your debutant," the lady continued. "But there are still some who seem to be lacking a little bit more." She was specifically indicating to those who were still slow to grabs the dance and Lucien was one of them.

'I don't deny it.'

Those who were still slow in progress were provided with a private tutor who taught them extra classes, without the concern of others. 'I have never danced a 19th-century dance before.'

"You have been dancing with your female partner and as of today, you'll be dancing with one of the knights." As soon the head of the instructor announced, mummer began to erupt among the ladies giggling out of excitement.