Chapter -147

"Are you waiting for someone?"

The sun was no more but the moon; the black canvas spread through the sky illuminating tiny glitters of stars. Lucien stood by the closed window admiring the view which was now filled with fireflies. They weren't green but yellow light. She felt like if she explores this world, she might find lots of things she had never seen before. An urge to be on an adventure flicks her mind. She did come across more like she heard maids talking about adventures, going on missions.

'Should I change my plan?'

"My lady?"

Rosetta and Lilyian stare at each other and back at their lady who had been staring out with a serious gaze. She was unaware of the call.

"Rosetta," Lucien suddenly called, her gaze still stuck on the window. "Bring me a cup of warm milk cream along with something to eat."

"It's only been an hour since you had your dinner, my lady." Rosetta confusingly spoke trying to remind her diet.