Chapter -156

"I wasn't expecting you to be here early."

Efthalia decided that for his work, he would continue in his garden under the gazebo which almost resembles a tiny open hut. The sun was brimming brightly which was a perfect day for a walk; Flowers continue to bloom which doesn't look like winter has arrived.

A little wooden bridge built on top of the spring river which leads to the gazebo. Sebastian took a deep breath before he crossed. There was something he needed to confess making sure he doesn't confess too much. After the last interaction with Lucien, he found some pieces of information which could be a breakthrough.

Efthalia noticed Sebastian walking his way. He did summon him but in the evening.

"Bless and prosperity to the Galatians empire." Sebastian bowed with a greet. He notices Efthalia wasn't doing what he usually does but was reading a book that resembles a diary.

"Is that?"

'Yes," Efthalia closed the diary. "The diary was found."