Chapter -171

After the dance with the emperor, Lucien fumingly walks back to her place.

The next lady had started to dance with His Majesty. Since she doesn't need to hear nor wanted to look at him, she walks away somewhere to catch up with her brothers, but they were now surrounded by ladies including Eris.

'Ah, I feel so out of place now....' She looks around and everyone had their attention on His Majesty and his dance partner. Those consorts who had already danced were still eagerly waiting, hoping for another dance. Renee and Wilma were meeting their parents while Alina was still waiting for her dance, she hasn't danced yet.

'I am all alone now.......wait...wait....this is my chance.'

She looks around and everyone was practically watching the dance since it was the main event. With this opportunity, she quietly moves out without getting suspicious as normally as she could.


