Chapter -174

Before the end of the party, Lucien's brothers decided to leave earlier than the others. They had already met with His Majesty and were satisfied with what they had seen today.

"If you hadn't done anything, this sword would have been flying to His Majesty's head."

Claudius spoke calmly. His gentle smile never left.

Lucien shiver not at his words but at how he was expressing himself. She was seeing her family off.

"Anyhow," Evelyn interrupted. "Are you still wearing the necklace I send you?"

"Yes..." Lucien nodded her head. "I couldn't wear it every time, but I made sure to constantly be with me like you said." She slips her hand inside her hidden pocket and took out a jewel necklace with a teardrop design.

The day she was found poisoned, her brothers made sure to put her in check by providing her with something which could protect her when they weren't around.