Chapter -177

Lucien doesn't remember when or how it happened but she believes it wasn't her fault. She simply gave her words and now here she was watching Rosetta and Draco on the open field, ready to have a sword fight.

She was on her usual walk to the garden but she took a different path she once had. It was the place surrounded by a bush of roses and a lake on the other end.

Rosetta was serving her milk cream in a mug while Lilyian was preparing her snacks and anything to go with. It wasn't until Draco appeared. He was reluctant to let it go. All he wanted was to pass a message to lady Lucien but a certain person wasn't letting it happen.

Lucien was impressed that he was able to locate them again and again, no matter how much they changed their place.

"I would have fought you if only you had a sword," Draco spoke, facing straight toward Rosetta.

Rosetta was standing beside Lucien but had now walked forward at the entrance of the pergola. "Are you taking it easy because I am a lady?"