
For the final preparation of the tonic, a large amount of mana was required and this was where Lucien and Efthalia were needed.

Lucien never agreed to do this but was forced to agree to this help which was requested by Renee. She wasn't sure in the beginning how she was supposed to handle it but since Renee had already taught her and she had done it once, she somehow felt a little calmer though nervous.

"It's alright. You don't have to feel nervous." Renee assures her with a smile. "If you faced any problem, you can ask His Majesty." Her nervousness and anxiety began after she was brought near the tree in the middle of the hall surrounded by water which looks like a mini pool.

Lucien was simply peeking down at the mini pool which looks nothing like it was said. The water looks deeper and she thinks if she tried to jump over it to the middle of the tree, she might not reach and fall.