Chapter -188

Lucien was back from the etiquette class. The tutor was delighted with all the tests Lucien had performed. Lucien was now able to join the rest without a worry but not everyone was pleased with her presence.

She could hear them mumbling loud and clear which was getting to her nerve. After that incident about the sheet and stolen jewelry, things had calmed down. Those maids were removed while the consorts escaped saying they didn't know anything about them and had put up all the blame on the maids. 'Shameless people.'

Of course, that consort who had tried to attack her with the knife was removed.


"Why is she here?"

"Does she even deserve to be here?"

"I heard she can't even hold the tea cup properly, forget about recognizing the numerous uses of spoons."

"She should have stayed where she was."

"Ugh! She does make the air harder to breathe."