
"I apologize for the wait. Here is the soup, cooked and still hot." Rose had brought the soup and placed it on Lucien's table.

"Hold on," Before Rose left, Lucien called. "Before I start it, I want you to taste it first."


"Isn't it a common courtesy to taste the food first before they were served?" Lucien continued. "And I'm sure you had to rush the soup since I had been waiting."

"B-but, it has already been tasted," Rose responded. The other consort was about to leave but paused when something was happening. One or the other had to pull the other who was standing to sit down.

"Oh, is that so?" Lucien exclaimed in delight and turn towards the bowl of soup. "So, do the chives have more flavor than before? There were hardly any spring leaves either but..." She scoops the spoon full of soup and pours it onto the bowl. "Did the chef forget?"

"I am not sure..."

"But didn't you say you had tasted it?" She turns her attention to Rose. "Or were you lying?"