Chapter -195

"Are you alright, My Lady?"

Lucien had been distracted the entire next day. She would keep on staring at her cup without taking a sip. Rosetta and Lilyian as well noticed the strange behavior of her in the morning.

"Did she have a nightmare?" Lilyian whispered into Rosetta's ears.

Rosetta turns her attention to Lilyian. "Does she look like she had woken up with a nightmare?" Lilyian was about to open her mouth but closed back.

"Is something on your mind, My Lady?" Rosetta questioned again.

Lucien sighs and sips her tea. "Do you believe in ghosts?" She suddenly questioned.

"You mean its existence or being a devotee?"

"Of course, its existence." Lucien rolled her eyes continuing her sip. Her mind went back thinking about her own question she had just asked. 'Did I ask in the wrong way?'

Rosetta had a thought until she responded, "I'll believe it if I see one of them."