
'What happened again?'

Here, Lucien was sitting in a carriage. The sound of the rattle like loose nails or metals hitting against the wooden plank, the wheels spinning harshly against the rocky road and the hooves clanking on the hard ground could be heard. It was a bumpy ride. Lucien had been hitting her head against the back of the carriage inside. If it wasn't for the steel helmet she was wearing, she would be complaining by now.

It wasn't only the steel helmet but as well as a brace plate around her chest along with some iron gloves and metal boots. Her mind was still blank, everything she had worn was heavy. As her mind wandered around, the carriage stops with a voice from outside.

"We have arrived at the battlefield. TAKE YOUR POSITION."





3 days earlier

The 6 months for the etiquette class were done and so far, everyone performed well. The instructor was satisfied and passed the message that the consorts are ready for the last and final test.