Chapter -208

The number of injuries began to rise. It wasn't only the people in the town but the soldiers as well. Renee was unable to handle it alone with the increase of injuries and soon some consorts and other healers came forward.

"We are not helping you. We are simply doing it because we want to get out of here."

Renee awkwardly laughs in return. She can't complain about them even though she had suffered these hellish months but she secretly enjoys working here. Some of the consorts were assisting in bringing those injuries to the camp.

"Alright...thank you and good luck." Renee waves goodbye to those who were going to battle with the demons, particularly Alina and Wilma.

It wasn't until the ground quakes in an unbelievable tremor. Every person began to panic, either it was another demon attacking or a natural disaster has befallen. The camp was somewhere in an open space away from hills and mountains.