Chapter -216

It wasn't easy to approach the people in this little town. Not even a single one of them would welcome them at the door. They would either shut the door in their face or even chase them away threatening them.

Renee didn't give up. She had seen how her father had treated people who refused to be treated. She felt the same feeling when his father would explain how he felt. Renee could have left as it was when they don't want to get treated but she witnessed all those young and old suffering and needed to be treated immediately.

The rest of them did not argue back nor try to ask Renee to give it a rest. They even saw and cooperated with her. It continued for 1 week until the old women in the monastery spoke for the first time.

"Why do you young ladies bother to treat us? You could have done it when you were in the main town." The old woman was serving them tea one evening when she decided to speak.
