Chapter -226

Lucien had been quiet the entire day, her mind looking lost and somewhat confused. After the last conversation with Ruth last night, she had a sleepless night.

"Are you alright?" Alina asked.

They were in the tent packing all those unused tonics in packages for the next town. Lucien had been quiet and distracted the entire morning which made Alina curious.

"I..I..." Lucien puts down the box she was holding. "I guess I look unwell..."

Alina raised her eyebrow. She was sitting on the ground putting one after the box on the larger box. "Is everything alright?"

Lucien felt a little awkward to even ask or say it out, but she wasn't alone to see it. "Actually," It was better to let others know instead of suffering alone. "That night we came back from that town....." Lucien as much as possible tried to explain most easily like how Ruth had explained.

Alina had paused her hand and stared at her for a while just as Lucien was staring back at her. "You didn't know?"
