Chapter -230

It was summer, a long-awaited vacation every people dream of. It was that time when one would look for a pool of clear water to escape the heat; whether it may be the beach or the public pool. As long as the water was cool enough to set them free from the heat.

Aera was like any other girl who came to escape from the heat along with her sisters. She was 10 and it was her first day to learn how to swim. A little terrified even when she had a swimming tube around her waist.

Aera was never a fan of water. After she had heard and seen movie about people drowning, it created a little trauma.

Today, Aera along with her family came to their resort for a family vacation. Somewhere which was far from the chaotic city. There was a beach not too far away with many palm and coconut trees. They weren't the only ones to visit this island but many as well, but it wasn't like those public beaches. They had their boundary of not crossing the line unless one was invited.