Chapter -232


The cave unexpectedly felt so quiet. It was silent to the point that they can hear the low rhythm breathing sound of the Phoenix. It was at this moment when Lucien was able to hear the sound of the wind blowing outside including the bubbling sound of the stream.

Wilma raised her head and leans on her palm. "It is exactly what I have said. It is kind of weird to see my body over there while I am on someone's body. And that, I am literally talking to my body...This is so weird."


Lucien's head began to spin more. The pressure before she fell off the cliff and now finding out that the owner of the body of Lady Lucien Valentius was sitting right opposite to her was no other than Lady Wilma. 'What is going on?'

"You know what, let's continue tomorrow." Wilma interrupted with a suggestion after a yawn. "I am tired, and you are not that well."