Chapter -246

It wasn't only the Valentius brothers waiting by the gate but as well as Renee, Ruth, Alina, and the emperor. The moment they saw the light lighting the way, their eyes widened with the adrenaline of wanting to rush towards them but stayed still in return. Soon, they see some horses making their way.

"I beg for forgiveness if I made you all wait for too long." Aleksander was the first to get down from the horse and later, Lucien and Wilma. They didn't need help for someone to help them get down.

Renee leaped and hugged Lucien in tears and joy. None of the brothers had a second to react since Renee approached first right after Aleksander greeted. Lucien was as well taken aback by her behavior.

With a sigh, she gently patted her back. She should be the one crying but it went the other way round. 'I guess it can't be helped.' She simply sends an apologetic look towards her brothers who sighs in return.