Chapter -286

As soon as Lucien walked into the living room where her father was, she met some people whom her father introduced as her grandparents.


She has sat herself among them, a little confused. 'I didn't know I had a grandparent. Wait...Why are my grandparents alive?' Her memory may not be that good, but she does remember going through the name of the country her mother was from. 'Oh right, Artlantic wasn't fallen. My memory got jumbled up....' It was a country where they refused to make known to the outside and rather stay unknown or fallen.

"I am sure you are feeling uncomfortable seeing us out of the blue." The old lady spoke. Her attention was on Lucien.

"W-well..not really. I am not. It's just that I have never known or seen my grandparents and it just made me...umm..surprised." Lucien still feels awkward.