Chapter -297

It was a vast area surrounded by luscious grass and pine trees. A plain area surrounded by a tall wall of bushes. At the center, a large iron rod gate was placed which was opened. People were either going in or walking out from the large open gate. The most enchanting part was the blanket of snow covering everything it touched.

Carriage wasn't allowed inside no matter what the status was including the royal family. People were only made to walk on their foot to the holy temple which wasn't too far and she could already see it from here.

Every person who walked in were seen equally and treated in the same manner and thus, carriages or horses, or any teleportation magic weren't allowed inside.

Lucien didn't mind. She would love to look around and have a walk. Some of the knights stood at the entrance of the gate while Eris and Benjamin followed them behind. She had her hand on Efthalia's arm.