Chapter -302

Efthalia had never felt traveling without people being so conscious around him, that he would have never expected that he would enjoy it. People would particularly stop what they were doing and look at him. Some would either scurry away from his sight in fear.

He walked around the ship exploring every place like he had never been on a ship or even walked around freely without the needing to worry about people staring at him. The only problem was that there were people where he wanted to go and it annoyed him since they wouldn't move away from the spot.

'I should have booked this entire ship.'

There were storms that were unavoidable and it made it difficult to walk out of their cabin. The cabin was the only place where they did not have to feel the rock of the wave bouncing around. However, after the storm, the calm sea was the most beautiful scenery that could forget the harsh storm that had recently hit.