Chapter -317

Empress Diana Elias, wife of Emperor Alden Elias. She was regarded as a saint and a savior in the Galatians Empire. During a pandemic across the whole region, she stood to help and provide for all the needs, and not a single soul was left behind even if it was a beggar on the street.

During her rule, poverty declined and not a single family was left by food shortage. The economy grew due to her wise rule.

"Wow," Lucien expressed her delight. "She is truly a saint from what I have read so far." She was interested to know more about the former empress and thus asked the head butler for anything related to the former late empress.

The head butler provided a book containing her work. Lucien took her time to read through in her new office where she would be working by now. "Not only that....." She looks down at the middle of the page which had a little photograph of Diana. It was during her teen years. "She is beautiful..."