Ch 5: The transfer student is always important [pt2]

"Oi, Yohan. Come sit with me at lunch. I am new here and I don't know anyone else in this school. Won't you help me out?"

It was almost time for lunch and Yohan pretended like he could not hear his classmate speaking to him.



New mission. Show the new students around. Mission completion will result in +5 exp. Turning down the mission will not have any exp loss.


Yohan felt grateful for this opportunity. He did not want to associate himself with these transfer students and trigger a scene.

And why was that? It was because transfer students were always trouble magnets in the fictional world. They often aligned themselves with other people and were often dragged into trouble.

Even if Yohan was not in trouble, he was sure he would find himself in a difficult situation given enough time if he stayed around these students.

'Besides, I need to find a way to get out of my house. It is no longer safe for me.'

Even if it was not for what happened in the morning, Yohan still had a shit tone of work cut out for him.

He was a healthy teenager full of vigor and his 'family' was not making it any easier on his body.

"Yohan, agree with me, and let's go. How long will you keep on ignoring me?"

Yohan ignored that annoying voice again but he somehow ended up sitting in the middle popular table anyway.

One side of his arm was pressed against a soft chest while the other side was being tugged at by another girl.

But all he could focus on was the two people sitting opposite him.

It was a given that Zane was here. He had been the one who forced Yohan into the cafeteria. But it was more surprising to see Ruri Zeittenberg on the table.

As far as Yohan knew, Ruri had been invited out by a lot of people already so seeing her at their table was surprising.

"Soooo, you are a transfer student from America? Why are you here? I mean, America is a faraway place. Isn't it lonely staying here without family?" Zane gave a rough laugh at those words.

"I don't have a family so it was easy to adjust here. Luckily, they left me with enough inheritance to be able to live comfortably."

Yohan cringed as soon as he heard that. Of course, Zane ticked off major check marks when it came to being a protagonist.

'He's rich and an orphan. These are prime qualities in an MC.'

"And what about you, Ruri? What do your parents do?"

"Business tycoons. They own a food chain."

The beautiful girl spoke but Yohan could see her peeking glances toward him when no one was looking her way.

Had it been any other girl, Yohan would have thought that she was interested in him but not Ruri.

'Ugh, another one who ticks off that rich background mark. I feel like I should ask about it before the curiosity eats away at me.'

"W-What about your parents? Are they alright? Do you have a good relationship with them?"

Yohan was asking about it to state his curiosity but he could feel everyone around go quiet.

And not only the table, but the whole cafeteria had gone silent.

"I-I was not aware that you were this interested in me. I am quite flattered by your interest but I don't think my family would approve of our relationship and…"

Ruri was red-faced, not even being able to look Yohan in the eye. It was only after Yohan watched that reaction and looked at those watery eyes that he realized what his words could have sounded like.

"N-No, it's not like that. I mean I like you just fine but not like that–"

"So you don't think I am pretty?"

"No, that's not it. I do like you–"

"Then, would you be willing to date me?"

Yohan could feel the pressure of all the glares being aimed at him. In a matter of minutes, Ruri had managed to charm the cafeteria, and Yohan was sure she would be quite popular given enough time.

For such a girl to be taken on her first day was not right.

"H-Hey, hurry up and answer her.", "Right! Ruri is cute so you should not miss your chance, right?"

Yohan was quite sure he was going to reject Ruri but the pressure of those soft breasts against his arm as well as that low and sensual voice in his ear caused him to lose his train of thought.

"So you like me? You like to date–"

"Alright, fine. I'll agree with anything but just get away from me."

Johan wanted to speak slowly but his voice echoed in the cafeteria.

"No, I mean…..that was not…..fine."

The thing about Yohan was that he easily cowered under pressure. So when people around them were staring at them, he easily refused.



An unexpected outcome was achieved. Congratulations on gaining a girlfriend.

Exp +10 gained.

36/250 gained.


That ping from that system was the only indication that something was happening. Meanwhile, Yohan was busy trying to extract himself from the uncomfortable situation he had found himself in.

Now that this new 'couple' had been formed, the girl on his right got up to make room for his new 'girlfriend.' at the same time, the girl on his left had not released his arm in an attempt to not allow him to flee.

He was sure that some kind of weird situation would arise with Ruri as well. It was just how fiction rolled.

And as he had expected, Ruri did not seem to pay any attention to where she was sitting or where her thighs were going.

They were rubbing against Yohan and he tried to get away, only to be stopped by the other female behind his back.

Somehow, Ruri managed to lose her balance while adjusting in her new seat and her upper chest landed on a landmine.

'I-I need to control me. I cannot get hard right now. This is school and I cannot show my indecent self here.'

Yohan was uttering this mantra inside his head as he took a deep breath and smiled at the others at the table.

For some reason, no one looked uncomfortable or even worried about what was happening in front of them. To most people, it likely looked like an everyday affair while Yohan was here.

"I'm sorry. I will get up right now and…"

Yohan was sure that this was happening on purpose. Otherwise, how could Ruri's hand slip on her leg, causing her chest to press even deeper into his lap? That softness was touching Yohan's penis now.

'Fuck the logic of this world. I am not sure I can take it any longer.'

However, just a miracle happened. And by miracle, Yohan meant that the school bell rang, indicating the end of the recess.

Finally, people began getting up and thankfully Ruri also managed to cause no more incidents.

"C-Can we meet after school? I want to spend time with you-"

"No can do. Yohan needs to help me with something after school, right?"

Ruri's voice was putting pressure on Yohan and he did not want to go with her. Not that she was not beautiful or had a flaw with her, but she was the main character. And according to the law of fiction, they were trouble magnets.

It seemed like Yohan would be able to avoid Ruri now but he could avoid spending time what her and maybe he will be able to push her away.

"O-Oh, is that so? T-Then can I accompany you both? I am sure I will not be a hindrance and will not stop you both in anything you do-"

"No way. Sorry to say but we don't need a 'pure' girl like you with us. It would just make my job so much more difficult."

Ruri looked sad enough to make every man glare their way. As as a result, every girl glared back because somehow Zane had managed to charm them all in this short amount of time.

'It is a battle of famous vs famous. How in the hell did I get caught up in the middle?'

Yohan wanted to cry out but even the tears will not fall out of his eyes. He turned out the baggage of messages he was getting.



An unexpected situation was experienced. +1 exp earned.

An unexpected situation was experienced. +1 exp earned.

An unexpected situation was experienced. +1 exp earned.




Total exp - 250/250

Level 2 hit.

The user has learned a new skill related to his title. Kindly check the tree to know more.


Yohan wanted to check the skill but he was not able to when he was dragged away by Zane. Ruri followed with a sour look on her face.

No one noticed the chilly look that passed between the two transfer students while all this happened.

A silent warning had been issued by both sides.