Ch 41: The sweet taste of revenge [pt1]

The group was beyond happy to have made quick cash. All they had to do was to dump the body into the light show and then they were free to go their own way.

“How lucky that we got the easy job. But why did Big brother refuse to participate? He would have gotten rich easily with us.” Grunt 1 spoke in confidence and expressed his confusion.

“Apparently, he talked with boss Zane and the boss asked us all to back out. We are here off the records so don’t go opening your big mouth back at the base.” Grunt no 2 spoke in a teasing way.

Everyone broke off into laughter, unaware of how much trouble they were all in. The grunts were happily walking toward the exit.

Suddenly, Grunt 3 who was walking in the back felt a touch on his ankle. He tried to shake it off, thinking that it might be a leaf that was sticking to him but the feeling did not go away.

“Hey guys, cut it out. Your jokes are not funny, you know.”