“Ugh, the human body is such a pain. I cannot believe that people live like this all the time? Don’t they feel claustrophobic in a container this small? I feel like my soul will rip this body apart if I exert even a little bit of my power”
Zadkial complained as he felt around his new body. It was a good body by a human standard but it was nothing compared to the might of an archangel like him. A little blow from him could end up killing this human.
But currently, this was the best he had. Zadkial was on limited time and he needed to take care of the potential demon kind in that time.
“Ha-HAHAHAHA. It is sure going to be fun to rip a demon apart. It has been such a long time since I got to enjoy myself like this so I should take care to have fun.”
To humans, angels and holy beings were the ultimate forms of good and holy. They considered them to be scared creatures that were to be trusted and honored.