Ch 81: The tag game [pt2]

Yohan shook his head as he watched Anya try to run away from him. The more he watched Anya behave, the more eccentric he found her behavior.

“You know, I have met many weird and unstable people out in the world. Some have annoyed me beyond reason while others were far more interesting than you could ever imagine. I wonder which route your owner is taking.”

Yohan aimed this question at Ana the Griffin. The Griffin only scoffed at Yohan before going back to sleep. She might be revived now but she still neep to combat her injuries and lack of energy.

So Yohan let the familiar be and ran after Anya into the forest. He could smell her sharp arousal-filled smell and chase after it at his top speed.

Anya was fast and with her newfound demonic powers, she was even faster. She was soaring through the forest faster than any human could keep up with. But Yohan still had no problem with catching up to her.