Ch 84: A warning is issued [pt1]

Yohan waited for Anya to fall asleep before turning toward the forest. He whistled softly and Ana the Griffin made her way toward Yohan in a heartbeat.

She tried to check on Anya but Yohan stopped her from touching Anya. The demonic energy inside Anya was still unstable and she was also getting used to Yohan’s mark. It would take some time before she was able to function properly.

Now, if Anya had been a regular familiar, she would have protested against this action. She should have pecked Yohan’s eyes out and even threatened him for trying to separate her from her partner.

But Ana did not do anything of that sort. She backed off as soon as Yohan gave her the order to do so. She was being more obedient to Yohan than even her partner and it was all because of the magic Yohan had used.

Once Ana had settled down and Anya also looked like she would not cause any more trouble, Yohan felt like it was finally time to leave her to her familiar.