Ch 93: Are you worth it? [pt3]

Zane was halfway done with his clean-up work when he felt the magic spike inside the mansion. It was so overwhelming and overbearing that Zane was sure that it could only be one thing.

‘The divine key. It seems like our king found the key.’

Zane was glad that he had decided to follow Yohan as a king. No other demon king had managed to find and challenge a divine key this fast. The fastest record was held by the 1st demon king at the prime age of 100 years old.

And Yohan was only thirteen right now. This went beyond hard work at this point. It was a miracle to feel.

Zane was about to get busy with some other work when he felt his phone ring. And on a usual day, he would have waited around to pick it but not today.

He was not sure why but Zane managed to pick up his phone as soon as it rang once. Much to his surprise, the voice on the other end was one he could not have expected to hear this soon.

“Zane, pseudo space. Hurry up and find me…hello?”