Ch 116: A dose of reality [pt1]

The combat and practical class were to be held in the inner sanctuary. It was an artificially created environment that could stimulate any place you could think of.

In other words, it was a perfect tool to let students test out their limitations and to make them face challenges without risking their actual safety. Moreover, the sanctuary made any sensation you feel become sharp.

In other words, if you got hurt in the sanctuary then your physical body would be alright. But you will still feel the pain of the wound for the duration of your stay in the sphere. It was a marvelous piece of technology and one of the wonders of magi-tech’s achievements.

In simpler terms, it was a device that was capable of creating artificial dungeons and having people run them.

The only downside Yohan could feel from using this kind of system was the actual rewards you got from clearing dungeons. It did not seem like there was any such mechanic involved in a sanctuary.