Ch 119: The VR forest is cursed [pt1]

The first part of the exploration was finally over. Yohan had not read the information browser far enough to know what it meant. What was he supposed to do now? Should he look around for the objective?

But then again, since he was not trying to top this class, there was no need for him to put in the extra effort like this.

“Is everything alright Yohan? I cannot help but feel like you are spacing out a lot. Don’t tell me! Did my blowjob from earlier manage to make you lose your mind? You don’t have to hold back, you know.”

Diantha’s teasing voice spoke directly in Yohan’s ear. She had taken the opportunity to lean over Yohan’s shoulder as soon as he stopped walking. She was too close to him and her breasts even pressed against Yohan’s shoulder.

She was teasing him with her closeness. Yohan could not help but want to pull Diantha into his arms and fuck her silly. She was begging to be fucked into oblivion with her naked interest.