Ch 127: Let's repay a favor [pt2]

Yohan was well aware that he had been spotted. After all, he had shown himself on purpose to test Kyle’s reflexes and situational awareness.

Kyle was someone who had interested him from the get-go. She had a strong sense of awareness as well as a fucked-up ethic code which made her the perfect tool to carry out his orders.

The worst part about her was her stubborn personality which made her rigid to change. But that was a charm in itself. But only for those who liked that kind of personality. Yohan was not a fan of it personally but he respected Kyle to a degree.

After all, it was not every day that he was robbed out in the open and then saved by the same person.

“B-Boss, what are we doing here? You do know that you are still being targeted by the security, right?”

Sid sounded worried as he followed after Lyle. The poor guy-turned-girl seemed to be having a hard time keeping up with Kyle. But he still chose to follow her for some reason.