Ch 150: The golden hen [pt2]

Small hands tightened around Yohan as he faced a full-on assault from the party in front of him. These fools thought that they could hurt Yohan if they tried hard enough.

They just had no idea what kind of shit they were getting themselves into and Yohan intended to teach them about it. There were some people whom you could oppose and then there were others you should never raise your head against.

And unfortunately for these fools, Yohan was the second type of person you should not even dare to cross.

“Go, get him. Make sure he could not even hold his head up after this.”

“Yeah, man. Let’s show this academy person what real power is all about. We need to not hesitate any longer.”

Everyone attacked all at once and the kid’s hold on Yohan tightened in fright. She was likely thinking of everything that could go wrong and how she was going to be killed as well.