Ch 156: A glimpse into memories [pt2]

It was not often that Diantha tried to dream of the future since it was a forbidden art. But she wanted to do something for Yohan this time and this felt like the only thing she could do.

That was why she pushed herself to look as far as she could. But all she saw were branched paths of 'what could happen'.

Since she had been going this long enough, Diantha knew that the nearest part of the branch was the most-likely future. She tried that one.

And she instantly regretted doing that since it filled her with despair. It was a future that should never happen and one that Diantha never thought she would see. She wanted to cry out but she could not since she was a spirit.

'I-that is not possible. This future cannot come to pass. There is no way Yohan could die before he makes my wish to be free come true.'

In front of Diantha lies Yohan with a knife in his chest. The killer's face was also clearly visible to Diantha and rage filled her as she watched Liza walk away.